Source code for aidapy.aidafunc.load_data

"""Loading data functions

This script contains the function load_data needed to make the interface
with the user and also the associated functions for the check.

This file can be imported as a module and contains the following

import datetime
import xarray as xr
from astropy.time import Time

from import Mission
from aidapy.aidaxr import process

[docs]def load_data(mission, start_time, end_time, **kwargs): """ Load the data from the given mission on a specific time interface. The extra arguments gives details on the data to load. Parameters ---------- mission : str The name of the mission from which the data are loaded/downloaded start_time : ~datetime.datetime or ~astropy.time.Time Start time of the loading end_time : ~datetime.datetime or ~astropy.time.Time End time of the loading **kwargs Specific arguments for providing information for the mission or the download settings: - prod: high-level product to load. Can be a string or a list. The full list is available by using the :func:`~aidapy.aidafunc.load_data.get_mission_info` routine. - probes: probe number. Can be a string or a list. - coords: coordinate system to use. - mode: mode to define the data rate. Usually it can be either 'low_res' or 'high_res'. The user can also specify a mode specific to a mission (for instance for MMS : 'slow', 'fast', 'brst', 'srvy') The list for these specific modes (or data_rate) can be found in the heliopy documentation. - frame: frame used only for spacecraft attitude. Usually 'dbcs' Example: {'prod': ['dc_mag'], 'probes': ['1', '2'], 'coords': 'gse', 'mode': 'high_res'} Return ------ xarray_mission : ~xarray.DataSet Requested data contained within a xarray DataSet. Each data variable contains a specific product of a specific probe """ _check_time(start_time, end_time) prod = kwargs.get('prod', None) probes = kwargs.get('probes', None) coords = kwargs.get('coords', None) mode = kwargs.get('mode', None) frame = kwargs.get('frame', None) try: mission_instance = Mission(mission, start_time, end_time) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The mission {} is not yet' ' implemented'.format(mission)) prod_list = [] product_catalog = get_mission_info(mission, hide=True)['product_catalog'] # Check if prod type are available if not prod: pass else: for data_type in prod: if data_type in product_catalog: prod_list.append(data_type) mission_params = {'mission': mission} if prod_list: xarray_dict = mission_instance.download_data(prod_list, probes, coords, mode, frame) elif not prod: xarray_dict = mission_instance.download_data(None, probes, coords, mode, frame) else: xarray_dict = {} # compute extra (L3) data if prod: prod_not_registered = list(set(prod)-set(prod_list)) for l3_prod in prod_not_registered: if hasattr(_L3Preprocess, l3_prod): func = getattr(_L3Preprocess, l3_prod) data_temp = func(mission_instance, prod, probes, coords, mode, xarray_dict, mission_params) xarray_dict.update(data_temp) else: raise ValueError( '{0} is not an available data product'.format(prod)) xarray_mission = _convert_dict_to_ds(xarray_dict, mission_params) xarray_mission.attrs['load_settings'] = kwargs return xarray_mission
[docs]def get_mission_info(mission='mission', start_time=None, end_time=None, product=None, full_product_catalog=False, hide=False): """ Provide information on the mission Parameters ---------- mission : str The name of the mission from which the data are loaded/downloaded start_time : ~datetime.datetime or ~astropy.time.Time Start time of the loading end_time : ~datetime.datetime or ~astropy.time.Time End time of the loading product : str Data product to look for in product_catalog full_product_catalog : bool Tag to provide all available keys hide : bool Tag to hide print messages when use in routines Return ------ info : dict or str String containing the AIDApy keyword of the queried product or Dictionary with information on the mission or queried product with the following keys: - name: - allowed_probes: - product_catalog: """ if (start_time and not end_time) or (not start_time and end_time): raise ValueError('either start_time and end_time must be defined ' 'or none of them.') if start_time is None and end_time is None: # Fake start_time and end_time start_time = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) end_time = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0) mission_instance = Mission(mission, start_time, end_time) mission_instance.concrete_mission.set_probes( mission_instance.concrete_mission.allowed_probes) settings = mission_instance.get_info_on_mission() if product: try: info = [x for x in settings['product_catalog'].keys() if product.casefold() in settings['product_catalog'][x]['descriptor'].casefold()] except IndexError: raise ValueError(f"Data product not recognized. Data products " f"currently available: ", [settings['product_catalog'][x]['descriptor'] for x in settings['product_catalog']]) else: if full_product_catalog: info = dict(zip(info, [settings['product_catalog'][str(x)] for x in info])) if not hide: print("All available keys for data products containing '" + product + "': ") else: if not hide: print("All available keywords for data products" " containing '" + product + "': ") return info if not full_product_catalog: settings['product_catalog'] = list(settings['product_catalog'].keys()) info = settings if not hide: print("All available keywords for " + mission + " mission data products: ") else: info = settings if not hide: print("All available keys for " + mission + " mission data products: ") return info
def _check_time(start_time, end_time): """ Checking the start and end time. Parameters ---------- start_time : `~datetime.datetime` or ~astropy.time.Time end_time : ~datetime.datetime` or ~astropy.time.Time """ if (isinstance(start_time, datetime.datetime) and isinstance(end_time, datetime.datetime)) or\ (isinstance(start_time, Time) and isinstance(end_time, Time)): if start_time > end_time: raise ValueError('start_time must be before end_time') else: raise ValueError('start_time and end_time must have ' 'the same format and must be either ' 'datetime.datetime or astropy.time.Time') def _convert_dict_to_ds(dict_da, params): """ This method checks the downloaded data and convert the dict of xr dataarray into xr dataset Parameters ---------- dict_da : a dictionary of xarrays returned from a specific mission params : dict A dict containing the name of the mission Return ------ xr_ds : `~xarray.DataSet` """ if not isinstance(dict_da, dict) or not isinstance(params, dict): raise ValueError # Check if all value in the dict_x are DataArray if not all(isinstance(value_da, xr.DataArray) for value_da in dict_da.values()): raise ValueError('All value in the dictionnary must be xrray.DataArray') renamed_dict_da = _rename_time_index(dict_da) _check_all_dim(renamed_dict_da) xr_ds = xr.Dataset(renamed_dict_da) # Overall attrs of the Dataset. For the moment this is only the name # but it can be extended xr_ds.attrs['mission'] = params['mission'] return xr_ds def _rename_time_index(dict_da): """Rename the dim time of each datarray to ensure proper merge. Each time dim is associated to its probe. Parameters ---------- dict_da : a dictionary of timeserie datarray Return ------ new_dict : dict A dictionary of renamed DataArray """ new_dict = {} for i, (key, xr_da) in enumerate(dict_da.items()): renamed_xr_da = xr_da.rename({'time': 'time{}'.format(i+1)}) new_dict[key] = renamed_xr_da return new_dict def _check_all_dim(dict_xa): """Check if all dims of the dictionnary of xr DataArray are different. It ensures a proper merge into xr Dataset without NaN or weird behavior. Parameters ---------- dict_da : dict A dictionary of timeserie datarray """ dim_list_tuple = [xr_da.dims for xr_da in dict_xa.values()] dim_full_list = [item for dim_tuple in dim_list_tuple for item in dim_tuple] dim_unique = set(dim_full_list) if not len(dim_full_list) == len(dim_unique): raise ValueError('The dim of each DataArray in the dict must be unique') class _L3Preprocess(object): @staticmethod def j_curl(mission_instance, prod, probes, coords, mode, data, mission_params): """ Compute the curlometer current and add it to the xarray Parameters ---------- mission_instance : Instance of probes : list List of probe numbers. coords : str Coordinate system to use. mode : str Mode defining the data rate data : dict A dictionary of xarrays returned from a specific mission mission_params : dict Dictionary with parameter of the missions Return ------ xarray_dict : dict A dictionnary of xarrays with the curlometer current """ # TODO: Pass the different products from settings (ex. j_vec, j_abs) that can be computed by this function # and return the queried one at the end (or do this in the get_event module) xarray_dict = {} prod = ['dc_mag'] all_probes = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] if data and 'dc_mag1' in data and 'dc_mag2' in data and 'dc_mag3' in data and 'dc_mag4' in data: pass else: data = mission_instance.download_data(prod, all_probes, coords, mode) xarray_mission = _convert_dict_to_ds(data, mission_params) xarray_mission = xarray_mission.process.reindex_ds_timestamps() for probe in probes: xarray_dict['j_curl'+probe] = xarray_mission.process.j_curl() return xarray_dict @staticmethod def mag_elangle(mission_instance, prod, probes, coords, mode, data, mission_params): """ Compute the elevation angle and add it to the xarray Parameters ---------- mission_instance : Instance of probes : list List of probe numbers. coords : str Coordinate system to use. mode : str Mode defining the data rate data : dict A dictionary of xarrays returned from a specific mission mission_params : dict Dictionary with parameter of the missions Return ------ xarray_dict : dict A dictionnary of xarrays with the curlometer current """ # TODO: Pass the different products from settings (ex. j_vec, j_abs) that can be computed by this function # and return the queried one at the end (or do this in the get_event module) xarray_dict = {} prod = ['dc_mag'] if data and 'dc_mag' in str(list(data.keys())): pass else: data = mission_instance.download_data(prod, probes, coords, mode) for probe in probes: xarray_dict['mag_elangle'+probe] = data['dc_mag'+probe].process.elev_angle() return xarray_dict @staticmethod def i_beta(mission_instance, prod, probes, coords, mode, data, mission_params): """ Compute the beta for ions and add it to the xarray Parameters ---------- mission_instance : Instance of probes : list List of probe numbers. coords : str Coordinate system to use. mode : str Mode defining the data rate data : dict A dictionary of xarrays returned from a specific mission mission_params : dict Dictionary with parameter of the missions Return ------ xarray_dict : dict A dictionnary of xarrays with the curlometer current """ # TODO: Pass the different products from settings (ex. j_vec, j_abs) that can be computed by this function # and return the queried one at the end (or do this in the get_event module) xarray_dict = {} prod = ['dc_mag', 'i_dens', 'i_temppara', 'i_tempperp'] if data and 'dc_mag' in str(list(data.keys())) and\ 'i_dens' in str(list(data.keys())) and\ 'i_temppara' in str(list(data.keys())) and\ 'i_tempperp' in str(list(data.keys())): pass else: data = mission_instance.download_data(prod, probes, coords, mode) data = _convert_dict_to_ds(data, mission_params) data = data.process.reindex_ds_timestamps() for probe in probes: xarray_dict['i_beta'+probe] = data.process.plasma_beta(probe, 'i') return xarray_dict @staticmethod def e_beta(mission_instance, prod, probes, coords, mode, data, mission_params): """ Compute the beta for electrons and add it to the xarray Parameters ---------- mission_instance : Instance of probes : list List of probe numbers. coords : str Coordinate system to use. mode : str Mode defining the data rate data : dict A dictionary of xarrays returned from a specific mission mission_params : dict Dictionary with parameter of the missions Return ------ xarray_dict : dict A dictionnary of xarrays with the curlometer current """ # TODO: Pass the different products from settings (ex. j_vec, j_abs) that can be computed by this function # and return the queried one at the end (or do this in the get_event module) xarray_dict = {} prod = ['dc_mag', 'e_dens', 'e_temppara', 'e_tempperp'] if data and 'dc_mag' in str(list(data.keys())) and\ 'e_dens' in str(list(data.keys())) and\ 'e_temppara' in str(list(data.keys())) and\ 'e_tempperp' in str(list(data.keys())): pass else: data = mission_instance.download_data(prod, probes, coords, mode) data = _convert_dict_to_ds(data, mission_params) data = data.process.reindex_ds_timestamps() for probe in probes: xarray_dict['e_beta'+probe] = data.process.plasma_beta(probe, 'e') return xarray_dict